Very Small Objects -
My tutor David Fusco told me about VSO after watching me arrange my shells like this -
Is it not fantastic to have a system for naming and recording hoarded fragments? It reminds of the scene in Everything is Illuminated where the old lady has hundreds of labelled boxes, one of which is labelled "dust".
He also showed me these Caddis Fly sculptures by Hubert Duprat -

I think that it's very interesting to have thought of taking some creature which scavenges and uses only what it can find to build a home and putting it suddenly in an environment where it can have expensive, glittering materials instead of twigs and debris. It makes me wonder what it would be like to surround people in slum dwellings with valuable building materials to replace their corrugated tin and timber rafter homes.

What if they found corrugated gold? What if their reused timber was polished mahogany? What if their scavenged rope washing line was pure hand-spun silk?
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